New Art on DeviantArt: Cocky Smiles, Beaded Swallows, Swamps, Sand and Petals

Now on DeviantArt, take a look at Swamp-Green World, which offers a view of trees, water and no ground to stand on at Lake Martin, Louisiana. Take an up-close look at petals in Petals - 16 and Petals - 15. The latter photo is also featured in the DeviantArt community Nature-Abstracted, which has a gallery full of awesome abstract photographs. All of these photos are available as prints through DeviantArt.

I did some touch-up work to Journey across the Sand, a photo collage previously posted on DeviantArt. The changes are hard to discern from a distance, but small details in the original collage had been bothering me. In the new version, the photographs blend more seamlessly together.

For months, I've made plans to emulate various digital painting styles used by other artists. This summer, I finally sat down and tried out of those styles in "Cocky Little Smile" Version One and Version Two.

As for jewelry, I've posted multiple views of two beaded rings, both of which use fleur-de-lys patterns I've made in Photoshop. Fleur d'Or is one, and Fleur d'Argent is another. Both rings are almost too long to fit over the lower joint of an adult ring finger without hampering that finger's ability to bend. I've also made a couple of rings that try to work around this problem (photos of those are on the way).

In an effort to make some small-sized beaded earrings, I've come up with a few designs were beads are woven inside or around rings. I use black glass beads and raw brass rings in Black Brass, and green glass beads are woven within nickel rings in Triangles.

I also posted photos of a steampunk-themed necklace that I call Bird of Gears, which includes a pair of interlocking gears. The gears can be turned manually; just turn one, and the other will turn, as well.

If you want to keep track of my future posts on DeviantArt, "Watch" my account on DeviantArt (this will require signing up for an account of your own, if you don't already have one) or "Like" my new page, Bits & Bobbins, on Facebook.
